e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

Shahzad Bashir, Fazlullah Esterabâdî ve Hurufilik, (Çev.) Ahmet Tunç Şen, Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2013.

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Cite as: Karabey, ESMA. "Shahzad Bashir, Fazlullah Esterabâdî ve Hurufilik, (Çev.) Ahmet Tunç Şen, Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2013.". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): . .

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The subject of the book we are examining is Hurufism. It is a monographic work translated from English to Turkish. The book is a remarkable work. It contains basic and essential information about Hurufism and Fazlullah Esterabâdi, appeals to the general reader, and uses clear and understandable language. Book; It consists of two prefaces, seven chapters, an appendix/Hurufi literature, reading suggestions, and an index. This study briefly explains the author, chapters, content / the basic principles of Hurufism and its founder.
Keywords: Hurufism, Fazlullah Esterabadi, Letters.


Hurufilik, Fazlullah Esterabâdî, Harfler. Hurufism, Fazlullah Esterabadi, Letters.

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