e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

An Attempt On Ornamentatıon And Symbolısm On Sect Items

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Cite as: Ceylan Erol, Elif. "An Attempt On Ornamentatıon And Symbolısm On Sect Items". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): 621-654. .

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The sects items, in terms of material-technical-ornamentation, which are important examples of Turkish-Islamic handicrafts, the works that attracted attention in terms of symbols, in both with their sources of utilize, with their physical parts and ornaments. While the ornaments consisting of plant, geometric figure, letter and object compositions on these items reflect the characteristics of the period they were produced in parallel with the ornaments seen in architecture and handicrafts in Turkish Islamic art, some motifs are part of the symbolic language in Islamic and Sufi literature.
In spite of the fact that, the types of sect items and the symbolism expresses are included in different studies, the symbolic aspects of the ornaments on these items have not been researched in detail. In this article, motifs with symbolic language were identified from the ornaments on the items of the order and their expressions were declared in the Sufi literature, in this way, the conscious choice of motifs, figures, letters and objects that make up the ornament composition by the artist has been evaluated.
Cypress, rose and tulip in herbal decoration; from geometric motifs, called ‘bedahe’(abruptly suddenly) as stylized geometric motifs the Muhr-i Suleyman and the circle; dragon, bird (crane-pigeon-goose-falcon), bee and human in figured decoration; the objects of the sect, items, adjusted trial balance, Zulfikar, chalice; the names of the pirs, verses, and some common terms belonging to the Sufi literature in written decoration are crucial in terms of reflecting the symbolic language.
Key words: Sect Item, Ornament, Symbolism.

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