e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

The Evaluation Of The Comments To The News "Land Aligned For The Cemevi" In Bingol In The Context Of Symbolic Interactionism

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Bingöl Üniversitesi
Cite as: Yazici, Mehmet. "The Evaluation Of The Comments To The News "Land Aligned For The Cemevi" In Bingol In The Context Of Symbolic Interactionism". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): 461-484. .

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Alevism is a belief system. In the traditional period, Alevis lived in remote villages and towns. During the modernization process, Alevis, who migrated to cities, encountered different beliefs and different opinions. Alevism and Alevis changed with the interactions in the cities, and the modern understanding of Alevism emerged. The most concrete demand of modern Alevism is cemevi and cemevi are built in the cities where Alevis live. In this direction, the decision of Bingöl municipality took place in the media with the news that "a plot of one and a half acres has been allocated in the Sebze Hali Park" for the cemevi. The news, comments and replies to the comments caused interactions with the evaluations made in the form of like-dislike. It was determined that the participants who interacted took the expressions "Alevism", "Alevis", "cemevi", "worship" and "land allocated from the park" as warning signs and used them as an opportunity to express their opinions. Analysis and interpretations made with the symbolic interactionism approach; It has showed that there were those who supported the decision as well as those who objected with negative judgments and concerns about Alevism. The study is expected to draw attention and contribute to the importance of people of different faiths living together in modern cities.
Keywords: Alevism. Alevis. Cemevi. Worship. Symbolic Interactionis.

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