e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

Mystic and Protector Supportives in Goroghlu Epic: Hazrat Ali, Kalanders, Erens, Aksakals

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Azer baycan Milli İlimler Akademisi, Folklor Enstitüsü
Cite as: Asker, Naile. "Mystic and Protector Supportives in Goroghlu Epic: Hazrat Ali, Kalanders, Erens, Aksakals". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): 95-110. .

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The Goroghlu Epic is a heroic epic that has a very important place in the Turkmen epic tradition. This epic is the variant of the Goroghlu Epic, which is divided into two large fields and hundreds of branches (variant), in the Turkmen field, as the East and West version. According to its geographical classification, the Goroghlu Epic, which is included in the Eastern version and is the largest in terms of volume and content of this version, also differs greatly with its mythological aspects. The epic hero, who was born with an ehtraordinary birth, has magical powers and helpers. Hazreti Ali is at the forefront of these imaginary powers who are with the hero from birth to death in all narratives of the epic. Generally, the name Hazreti Ali is not used ehplicitly in many variants and tehts of the epic, this name is Shir Huda Pir, Shahi Merdan etc. hiding behind the mystical curtain. In addition, we encounter the character of Hizir in the epic, which is sometimes eguivalent to the character of Hazrat Ali. The Goroghlu Epic is  rich in mystical characters such as kalenders, erens, aksakals etc. who are other supporters. The task of all these mystical characters is to protect Goroghlu during the epic, to dominate him and to come to his aid spiritually and physically in difficult situations.
In this study, briefly, information will be given about the development date of the Turkmen field Göroğlu Epic, which belongs to the Eastern version of the Köroğlu Epic, and the mythological aspect of the epic, its mystical characters and their support  to the protagonist will be mentioned.

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