e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

Ali Ekber Çiçek’e Âit Deyiş Türünde Dört Eserin Kültürel, Sözel ve Müzikal Analizi

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Ardahan University
Cite as: Tamay, Sedat. "Ali Ekber Çiçek’e Âit Deyiş Türünde Dört Eserin Kültürel, Sözel ve Müzikal Analizi". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): . .

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Sufistic Folk Literature is a special part of Turkish Folk Literature. The literary products belonging to every part of Turkish Folk Literature have their own characteristics. It can be said that although these types are the most emphasized in terms of speaking and vocalization, the richest in terms of cultural rituals are products called “deyis” of Sufistic Folk Literature products. The most special examples of Sufistic Folk Literature in Anatolia are undoubtedly seen within the framework of the Alevi-Bektasi tradition.
This study; It was prepared in order to make a cultural, verbal and musical analysis of four works in the form of “deyis” by Ali Ekber Çiçek, one of the most important representatives of the Anatolian Alevi-Bektasi tradition.
This work, it is important in terms of showing the power of the literary arts used in the works, evident sides of this culture by making a detailed examination and evaluation of four works in Alevi-Bektasi tradition.
In this study where four words of Ali Ekber Çiçek from the Sufistic Folk Literature universe were taken as sample; they were used qualitative methods such as source scanning and analysis.
Keywords: Sufistic folk literature, Alevi-Bektasi tradition, “Deyis” form, Ali Ekber Çiçek, literary arts

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