e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

“Hazreti Şah’ın Avazı Turna Derler Bir Kuştadır”: Hacı Bektaş Velayetnamesi’nde Turna ve Turna İlahisi

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Konya Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi

Öner Atay
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Fakültesi, Sosyoloji Bölümü
Cite as: Taşğin, Ahmet - Atay, Öner. "“Hazreti Şah’ın Avazı Turna Derler Bir Kuştadır”: Hacı Bektaş Velayetnamesi’nde Turna ve Turna İlahisi". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): . .

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This study deals with Crane and its usage in the Hacı Bektaş Veli Velayetname. Crane’s meaning inHacı Bektash’s Velayetname was discussed in terms of both place and context. Considering that itfacilitates the transfer and understanding of the subject, the information in the sources that will helpto convey the ancient meaning of Crane was provided. Consequently, the Crane Hymn or the CraneEpic was included in the article.The data related to the crane in the written sources were provided as examples. The method for thecontent of the metaphors was used. The approach that understanding the metaphors in classical textsis important and necessary is adopted by the present study. One of the issues in Social Sciences isthe lack of investigation of the classical texts of the Eastern, Muslim or more specifically Turkishverbal and written texts. Studies are directed towards Western classical texts as the field of traditionalfollow-up or emulation, while they are few on Eastern, Muslim or Turkish classical texts. Indeed, anapproach and method could not be developed to follow the studies on Eastern, Muslim and Turkishclassical texts.It is stated in the Haji Bektash Velayetname that the Khorasan dervishes fly to Turkistan in the formof Crane and Ahmet Yesevi meets them in the form of Crane. Why did the Khorasan dervishes takethe form of a Crane and flew as a Crane? In the same way, why did the Turkistan dervishes meet theKhorasan dervishes in the form of Crane? Does Crane used in the text have any specific meaning? Isthere a message that is meant to be told by Crane? In other words, couldn’t the subject and the topicstransferred by the crane be explained in any other way?As a result, the metaphors used in the Hacı Bektaş Veli Velayetname and the explanations in termsof detection, existence and transmission of the metaphorical narrative show that the Velayetname isa rich text in content. It was revealed that the custody conveyed the ancient wisdom and also protectedthis wisdom through metaphors. The Crane Chant or the Crane Epic, which will facilitate theunderstanding of the Crane and its meaning used in the Hacı Bektaş Velayetname, is also includedin the text.

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