e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

Yunanistan’da Kiliseye Dönüştürülen Memi Baba Türbesi

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Mehmet Emin YILMAZ
Türk Mîmârîsi Araştırma Merkezi
Cite as: Yilmaz, Mehmet Emin. "Yunanistan’da Kiliseye Dönüştürülen Memi Baba Türbesi". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): . .

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The Memi Baba Dervish Lodge was located in 22 km away from the east of Kozani, just between thevillages of Köseler (Thimaria) and Sofular (Kapnachori). The part of land in which the dervish lodgesituated is a part of Kozani according to the current administrative organization in Greece. Thanks tothe famous account by Evliya Çelebi, we now know that it was one of the biggest dervish lodges inOttoman Europe with its public hall, tomb, dervish cells, a grand kitchen and a cellar. To learn moreabout the dervish lodge, we made a visit on June 2, 2018. Setting off with old maps, we found thepoint where the dervish lodge was situated, only to witness that there survived just the tomb, out ofall the grounds mentioned above. Following the exchange of population, the tomb was turned into achurch dedicated to Agios Georgios similar to many other Turkish buildings in the region. Thoughthe architectural features and outlook of the piece have been changed, the ceiling still retains its decoration.Despite the fact that the tomb is now used as a church, the Memi Baba Tomb is surely a signand representing piece of the Turkish presence in modern day Greece. The purpose of this paper is todiscuss the Tomb of Memi Baba, one of the Turkish buildings inside the Ottoman borders convertedinto a church in terms of its architectural structure.

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