e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

Alevi-Bektaşi Edebiyatının Kadın Şairleri ve Bazı Tartışmalar

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Reyhan KELEŞ
Atatürk Üniversitesi
Cite as: Keleş, Reyhan. "Alevi-Bektaşi Edebiyatının Kadın Şairleri ve Bazı Tartışmalar". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): . .

Zotero Mendeley EN EndNote


This study, which covers the women poets, as the representatives of Alawi-Bektashi Literature,which dates back to very old years and finds its source in Yunus Emre, and continues with KaygusuzAbdal, Hatayi and Pir Sultan Abdal and reaches today, aims to give information on women poetsabout whom there are disputes arising from the problems in resources classified according to theircenturies.In this study, in which forty-eight publications were examined, except the basic works and anthologiesof the field, from the beginning to the end in all chapters, information is given about eighty-twodifferent people three of which are from 16th century, four from 18th century, twenty-nine from the19th century and forty-one from the 20th century, also there are four poets whose century is not knownand one more poet who is revealed to be a man in fact. In the conducted research, it was determinedthat the first poet known to have lived is from the 16th century. The poet who lived in the 18th centurywas not found in the resources.The cases of twelve women poets, about whom there are problems beginning from those especiallyon gender such as whether the poet was a man or a woman, varying up to the confusion on the datesof birth and death and name resemblances resulting in confusing these women poets with the poets ofother literatures, are addressed to and discussed in the chapter called “Some Disputes” It has been determined that the women poets especially used the name “Bacı (Sister)”, and that theusage of this name decreased towards the later centuries and also that when their poems are analyzed,they mostly wrote poems about the love of Hazrat Ali, Ahl al-Bayt, Haji Bektashi Veli and the personto whom they are connected.As distinct from the other studies on the same subject, in this study a higher number of women poetsas the representatives of Alawi-Bektashii Literature were found and the inadvertently made mistakesin references to previous studies in these resources are tried to be minimized.
Keywords: Alawi-Bektashi Litareture, women, poet, poem

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