e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

Hacı Bektaş Veli Tekkesi’nin Ziyaretgâh Olma Süreci ve Xıx. Yüzyılda Yapılan İnşaatlar

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Oktay Kızılkaya
Caucasus University
Cite as: Kizilkaya, Oktay. "Hacı Bektaş Veli Tekkesi’nin Ziyaretgâh Olma Süreci ve Xıx. Yüzyılda Yapılan İnşaatlar". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): . .

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Hacı Bektas Veli was born in Khorasan region in XIIIth century. His intellectual thinking was shapedby Ahmet Yesevi’s world views. The intellectual foundation of Hacı Bektas Veli, who was born inKhorasan and lived in the influenced the worldview of Ahmad Yesevi. Taught by Lokman Perende,one of Yesevi’s disciples, when it was concluded that Hacı Bektas Veli matured, he was sent toAnatolia to teach Turkmens. He was settled in a place called Sulucakarahöyük in Anatolia and diedthere. His ideas spread to Anatolia and Rumelia through his disciples and played an active role inshaping religious, social and political structure of the Ottoman Empire and society. The present studyaddressed Hacı Bektaş Veli’s disciples beginning to visit his grave after his death, and the grave’stransformation into a monastery and a place of pilgrimage after the Ottoman Sultan Murad I built amagnificent shrine around it. The connection between the guild of janissaries and the Bektashi Orderwas explained. An analysis was made on the fact that Bektashi monasteries were also shut down afterthe abolition of the guild of janissaries but that only the Monastery of Hacı Bektas Veli in Sulucakarahöyükwas left open due to the respect for its spiritual value. An effort was made to explain therepair and construction works carried out in the Monastery of Hacı Bektaş Veli in Sulucakarahöyük,which was not shut down unlike other Bektashi monasteries, the costs of these works and the difficulties experienced. The specific structures that were repaired during the construction and repair worksin the monastery and the decision made and the method followed for carrying out the repairs andconstructions needed were examined. The numbers, unit prices and total costs of the materials usedfor these construction and repair works were presented in the course of the study. The study drewupon an analysis of Ottoman archival documents, books, articles and scientific theses.

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