e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

Selçuklular ve Büveyhîler Arasındaki Rekabetin Tarih Yazıcılığı Sahasındaki Aktörleri: İbn Hassûl ve Ebû İshâk Es-Sâbî

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Cite as: Sedghi, Naser - Tarifci, Sinan. "Selçuklular ve Büveyhîler Arasındaki Rekabetin Tarih Yazıcılığı Sahasındaki Aktörleri: İbn Hassûl ve Ebû İshâk Es-Sâbî". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): . .

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Written by Abū al-‘Alā Ibn Hassūl Hamadānī, Tafdīl al-Atrāk ‘alā Sā’ir al-Ajnād is the first of thehistorical works written during the Seljuq period. This work was written during the conquests ofSultān Tughril and in the political-military competition and struggle environment between the Buyidsand the Seljuqs. Ibn Hassūl who took aim at literary men-historian al-Sābī’s work named al-Tājī fīAkhbār al-Dawlat al-Daylimiyya carried the political-military competition and struggle between theBuyids and the Seljuqs to the field of historiography. He wrote Tafdīl al-Atrāk as an answer to AbūIshāk al-Sābī’s work, al-Tājī. Therefore, the first and the main part of the Tafdīl al-Atrāk was devotedto criticize the historiography of al-Sābī on the origin of the Dailamites and the Buyids. Although Ibn Hassūl criticized severely al-Sābī’s style of historiography, he followed himself a similar way inthe writing of Tafdīl al-Atrāk. As al-Sābī praised genealogy and characteristics of the Dailamites, theBuyids and Adud al-Dawla at al-Tājī, Ibn Hassūl also praised genealogy and virtues of the Turks, theSeljuqs and Sultān Tughril at Tafdīl al-Atrāk. In this article, the issue of the degree of success of IbnHassūl in competition with al-Sābī in the field of historiography will be discussed. The findings ofthis study show that Kitāb al-Tājī was used as a source by succeeding historians because it containsdetailed and original information on the history of the Dailamites and the Buyids. However, Tafdīlal-Atrāk was hardly ever used as a source by later historians since his author Ibn Hassūl remainedindifferent to recording of historical events about the Seljuqs and Tughril Beg.
Keywords: Ibn Hassūl, Abū Ishāk al-Sābī, Tafdīl al-Atrāk, al-Tājī, Turks, Dailamites, Tughril Beg,Adud al-Dawla

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