e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

“Ayrılık” Temi Ekseninde Öncelenen Dil Ögelerinin Stilistik Kullanımları: Kumrî Örneği

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Rabia Şenay ŞİŞMAN
Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi
Cite as: Şişman, Rabia Şenay. "“Ayrılık” Temi Ekseninde Öncelenen Dil Ögelerinin Stilistik Kullanımları: Kumrî Örneği". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): . .

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 Poetry is a form of composition that takes its production process from the structural skills. In the process of this composition, senses originated from the outer world change into their desirable value from the inner world. Each item’s ability in a poetry line, which is the builder of this transformation, is related with their positions in a sentence as well as their inspiration strength and rhythm richness. This placement in the syntax is the determiner of both the word’s meaning and its impact skill. The purpose is to process any verse type from the classic tradition with the methods of stylistic linguistic analysis. The work that is the basis of this study is called Kenzu’l-Mesâ’ib written in the form of Maktel-i Hüseyin that is structured with didactic and lyrical aspects. This copy which has just been translated into Turkish is a work of Mirzâ Muhammed Takî, writing under the pseudonym of Kumrî who is one of the maktel poets. The data of this 186 foiled work written in the form mersiye, which is a poem written after the dead ones, focuses on the “theme of separation (ayrılık)”. To introduce the new copy of the text and to analyze the poetic language material, the stylistic language uses of the sentences are examined and interpreted within the scope of “syntactic prominences”. For this purpo­se, text is examined and in general the sentences that include the word “ayrılık” and the couplets/ lines that have the verb “ayrıl (-to separate)” as their repeated voice are scanned and the findings are arranged in accordance with the purpose. In the second part of the study the stylistic features of the text is tried to be enlightened through the analysis of the verbs, pronouns and prepositions in the sen­tences that are concentrated on the theme of separation and the prominences of the words that are sy­nonyms, homonyms and antonyms within the same scope; and the stylistic notions within the inner/ outer structure are reflected through meaning-sensation web. As a result of the effort to try to analyze the multi-dimensional structure of the poem lines with the stylistic language studies, the purpose is to unravel the sophisticated meanings and the aesthetic of the voices in the literary texts that are the reflections of the experiences and by this way being able to help out other linguistics studies.

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