e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

Nüfus Defterlerine Göre Pirevi (Hacı Bektaş Veli Tekkesi) (1830-1846)

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Munzur Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü
Cite as: Alti, Aziz. "Nüfus Defterlerine Göre Pirevi (Hacı Bektaş Veli Tekkesi) (1830-1846)". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): . .

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 The Bektashism, which had an important place in the Ottoman Empire, was prohibited simultaneo­usly with the closure of the Janissary corps. Hacı Bektaş Veli dervish lodge (Pir House), the center of Bektashism, was influenced by this process and remained under the rule of the Naqshis. Based on different archive documents in the studies conducted so far, this period of Pir House was tried to be clarified in this study. What is significance in this study is that Pirevi is examined in the light of the data of the population books and to reveal new information in this direction. 6 population registers held between 1830 and 1846 constituted the main lines of this study. Based on population data, new information and opinions are put forward about Babagan Bektashis, Celebis and Naqshi sheik and his family under the roof of Pir House. Thus, other aspects of the dervishes found in Pir House, the Naqshi sheik and his family and the demographic characteristics of the Çelebil are explained. Therefore, other aspects of the dervishes residing in Pir House, the Naqshi sheik and his family, and the other, particularly the demographic features of the Celebis are explained. In particular, thanks to appearance records, which are the basic data of the population of registry, the physical appearance of the Bektashi dervishes is known. In some records, the detail of the area where the dervishes came from is important in terms of showing the distribution of the human resources in Pir House in the Ottoman borders. In addition, the villages of the Pir House foundation and the people living in these villages were also identified. Apart from the population registers, the property of Sheikh Veli, who had previously made a sheikh in Pir House, was also revealed by making use of the temettuat register.

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