e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

Inıtıatıon (Ikrar) Cem Rıtual Of The Surek Of Camlıca In The Seyyıd Alı Sultan Ocak

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Cite as: Kayhan Kiliç, Seyhan. "Inıtıatıon (Ikrar) Cem Rıtual Of The Surek Of Camlıca In The Seyyıd Alı Sultan Ocak". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): 35-54. .

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The objective of this paper is to introduce content, purposes and functions of the initiation (ikrar) cem rituals of the Seyyid Ali Sultan Ocak. The setting of my research fieldwork is especialy in the Çamlıca Region and Aydoğdu Village where are the location of Kütahya. The Çamlıca Region is in the Okçu District and is governed locally by the Okçu in Çamlıca. Dedes and talips of the Seyyid Ali Sultan Ocak in the Çamlıca sürek still try to carry on their culturethrough cem rituals. Participants perform cem rituals for unity, solidarity, peace, fertility, and to avoid becoming an outsider from their ocak. In addition, the participants of the cem rituals want to maintain mutual consent and control of their talips, once in a year. In the ikrar cem ritual, the individual is not a talip who promises to obey the rules of the Seyyid Ali Sultan Ocak in front of the dede and talips. Then, the individual becomes an insider. After this cem ritual, if individuals maintain mutual consent, they may consolidate their own position as an insider. When an individual is initiated into Seyyid Ali Sultan Ocak , they belong to an ocak and are known as a talip. Talips of the Seyyid Ali Sultan Ocak, through a cem ritual, communicate with each other and their spiritual world to realize their goals and desires and maintain unity in their congregation.

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