e-ISSN: 2147-9895
p-ISSN: 1306-8253

Melik’ül Meşayih, Kutb’ül Muhakkikin, Kudvet’üs Salikin, Şihab’ul Mille ve Din, Sühreverdi (Kaddesallahuruhahulaziz), Risâletü’l-fütüvve, Süleymaniye Ktp., Ayasofya, nr. 2049, vr. 154a-158b. Melik’ül Meşayih, Kutb’ül Muhakkikin, Kudvet’üs Salikin, Şihab’ul Mille ve Din, Sühreverdi (Kaddesallahuruhahulaziz), Risâletü’l-fütüvve, Süleymaniye Ktp., Ayasofya, nr. 2049, vr. 154a-158b.

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Correspondence - Translator / https://ror.org/0396cd675
Cite as: Doğan Turay, ESRA. "Melik’ül Meşayih, Kutb’ül Muhakkikin, Kudvet’üs Salikin, Şihab’ul Mille ve Din, Sühreverdi (Kaddesallahuruhahulaziz), Risâletü’l-fütüvve, Süleymaniye Ktp., Ayasofya, nr. 2049, vr. 154a-158b.". TURKISH CULTURE AND HACI BEKTASH VELİ RESEARCH QUARTERLY / (): . .

Zotero Mendeley EN EndNote


This study consists of the translation of Risaletü'l-futüvve by Abu Hafs Şihâbüddin Ömer b. Muhammed b. Abdillâh b. Ammûye el-Kureşî el-Bekrî es-Sühreverdî (d. 632/1234), who has an important place in the history of Fütüvvet. Sühreverdi took part in the institutionalization of Fütüvvet during the Abbasid State and undertook the management of the first formation. Risâletü'l-fütüvve, which is among the sources of Fütüvvet and has an important place, is located between leaves 154a-158b in a mecmua located in the Süleymaniye Library, Ayasofya 2049.
Keywords: Suhrawardi, Risalatu’l-Futuwwa, Futuwwatnama.

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